Saturday, January 3, 2009

Helloooooo 2009

It's time to wipe the slate clean.  Start fresh; reinvent. The year 2008 was a good one.  I'd even go as far as to say it was the best year I've ever had. 

I had many self discoveries.  I did many things that I never thought I'd do.  Some great, some terrible.  I had more fun and met more interesting and exciting people than I ever have.

But I still have a lot of discovering to do.  I'm only 20 years old.  There's so much ahead of me.

And now I've gotten to thinking - what do I actually want to do with my life?  What are my dreams, my goals; what do I actually care about?

I don't want to work in a shoe department for the rest of my life.  I don't want to sit around with the time ticking past.  I want to do something meaningful.  Something that will inspire other people - something that will inspire ME.

I've been a dancer since I was three, but ever since graduating high school my attending dance classes has dwindled to one class ever handful of months. 

My New Year's resolution is to go to more dance classes, get involved with dance productions - just keep doing the one thing that means the most to me - dancing. 

Along with that I hope to further my education.  I need to continue to read books, go to class; I really should start watching the news or at least read the newspaper daily.

Especially since I am a journalism/communications major.  

I must must MUST travel more.  And not just to add to my clothes collection.  I need to see my world.  Visit museums; see the hidden beauties of each place.

Maybe just appreciate the hidden beauties of everything around me, really.

I want to concentrate on the good and weed out the bad.  I want to always remember my beliefs and always act appropriately to hold true to them.

I want to be something great.  Something out of this world.

I vow to constantly work at these resolutions for 2009.  I vow to never lose sight; to never give up.  I vow to be the person I've always dreamed of being.

Welcome, 2009.  May this year be even better than the last.