Monday, September 29, 2008

I was so impressed.

A small part of Lutz Bacher's "Spill"

This weekend my family and I took a trip to St. Louis, MO., for my cousin's wedding.  I did some research before we left so that I could do some worthwhile things while in a different city and quickly decided that it was a must to visit the Contemporary Arts Museum near the St. Louis University campus; a beautiful campus, might I add.

The entire area near 37th and Washington Boulevard is all art related, with many different buildings and sculptures to view.  

Lucky for us, Saturday admission is free.  The museum is quite small compared to most generic museums, but this is definitely one of those quality over quantity type of deals.  The two featured exhibits by Lutz Bacher and Aida Ruilova were installed Sept. 12, 2008, and will stay through Jan. 4, 2009 (You have time - go take a trip and visit this place!).

Lutz Bacher's "Spill," according to the St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum website, is a site-specific art installation.  In one room, two of the walls are layered in some of her old works - photographs, advertisements, her work of "Jokes" and parts from an interview.  A shattered electric guitar is strewn about the floor.  In that same room is a neon yellow curved ramp with Star Trek characters on its outskirts.  Opposite the collage of past artwork are projections of a video piece titled "Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart" - a simple line drawing over a fuzzy background.  

In a second room, Lutz put together packages of Budweiser cases and placed them in an organized fashion.  These two set-ups are accompanied by a book with the title "Smoke in your Eyes," a compilation of emails, letters, photographs and "Jokes" to go along with the exhibit.  

Her exhibit is really moving and powerful - the choice of color evokes many emotions; I could almost feel the energy of breaking the guitar right at the scene.  Labels on the photographs and framed images are so quirky and bizarre - two words that perfectly describe the overall feel of the installment. 

The second exhibit features Aida Ruilova's premier solo exhibition, "The Singles 1999 - Now."  This is a video piece full of eerie sounds and creepy, angled footage.  In the exhibit room, a large projection on one wall is accompanied by about 10 mini flat-screens on leveled stands.  Only a few screens go off at a time, and each one has a different clip to play.  Collectively, the feel is very horror film-esque with a combination of short, loud noises of heavy breathing, muttering, guitar screeches and vinyls scraping across the floor.  The whole projection, I was told, lasts about a half hour.  The film blurps looks and feels so amateur, adding to the overall vibe.  

Along with the two main exhibits, the museum has a small front room with ever-changing pieces.  The museum also offers deli sandwiches and snacks at the small cafe, and has an outdoor area with a spiral piece of art that people can walk in and out of as well as a lounging area with plastic bright white furniture.  Additionally, there is an upstairs area to the museum that is used to teach people more about the featured exhibits through books, films, computers and a chalkboard featuring the artists' mapped out ideas.  The upstairs also houses the "flat files" -  photographs, paintings and other forms of art on paper that you can sift through.

I couldn't have been more happy and impressed with my choice.  The only thing that I wish were different is the size - I wanted to see more; much more.  If you are in or near St. Louis I highly advise you to check this place out.  The cost is only $5 for adults, $3 for seniors, and free for children and students (everyone gets in free Wednesdays and Saturdays, as well as after 5 p.m. on Thursdays!).  

The St. Louis Contemporary Arts Museum is now on my list of places to visit at least once a year.  Everything was so beautiful and possessed such an interesting vibe - totally worth a few hours of my day. 

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

I need my music!

Really, Ipod? You're going to break on me? 

If this junk can't get fixed soon or at all I am getting myself an Ipod touch.  I'm kind of hoping this is the case because, well, I want an Ipod touch. 

Hello high-tech pretty thing.  You are cool and I want you.

I wish the Neva Dinova and McCarthy Trenching show would hurry up and get here.  I still don't have my hands on the new Neva Dinova CD "You May Already be Dreaming."  That's terrible considering how much I love them - mainly Jake Bellows and his incredibly eery and lovely voice.

I'm off to Saint Louis for the weekend.  Ciao.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Omaha loves American Apparel.

If you know anything in this town, you know that Omaha finally has an American Apparel.  Now, if I had one wise thought in my head at all I would have stayed away from the store until I won the lottery or something.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, considering how you look at it), I went anyway and have added two new things to my already stuffed closet.  

Say hello to my print cotton spandex jersey high-waisted skirt and camel velour track jacket.

Do we love them? Yes, yes we do.

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Trick or Treat?

Halloween is right around the corner and I couldn't be more excited.  Not only does that mean coming up with ridiculously creative and obnoxious costumes to strut around in, but it also means crisp fall nights, pretty colored leaves and my birthday. 

I'll be 20 this year.  I can't decide if I'm becoming an old fart or if I'm still a child.  I suppose it's all on how you look at it, but it's super confusing.  

I can never think of birthday gifts I want when I'm asked, so I've compiled a list throughout the year of things that could potentially be great gifts (take notes, friends): planet earth DVDs, an Ipod Itouch, surround sound speakers for my room, cowboy boots, Roy Lichtenstein posters and money.  

I think the biggest question on my mind is what I should be for Halloween.  The only idea I have had is to be Pipi Longstockings.  Is that overdone though? Last year I was Jesus (as pictured above...yesshh).

Mmm, Halloween dance parties - bring it on.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Acid Tongue.

Jenny Lewis, it's been long overdue.  Rabbit Fur Coat came out two years ago.  Finally, her new record Acid Tongue has arrived.  Even though I am too poor trying to find money to pay for my next body modification and spending the little amounts I do have on clothes I don't need, food, and other...things, I think the purchase of her new album is a necessity. 

Her set Saturday night at the Anchor Inn down on 24th and the middle of confusion was incredible.  I think it even outdid Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band.  I loved everything about it; the wacky/hot ensemble along with her gorgeous man Johnathan Rice couldn't have been better.  Her voice is killer, dudes. 

The must hear song on the album: The Next Messiah.

I'm downloading the album off Itunes. Now.
I suggest you do the same.

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