Saturday, October 25, 2008


See more Sarah Silverman videos at Funny or Die

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCarthy Trenching, Neva Dinova and Ted Stevens at The Waiting Room.

                              Jake Bellows of Neva Dinova.

I have been counting down the days for this exquisite line-up .  The show at The Waiting Room Friday night started off a US tour and was for McCarthy Trenching's new CD, "Calamity Drenching."

I was sure to get there right at 9 p.m. so I didn't miss a beat - each set was something to see, but I was especially pumped for Lincoln, Neb. band Neva Dinova.  When I arrived Ted Stevens began to play a song but then stepped off stage - only for me to realize that it was merely a sound check.  Like every other show I've been to at The Waiting Room, the actual show didn't even begin until about 9:30 p.m.

Stevens' set seemed very familiar to me.  I feel like I have seen him once before - did he open for Alessi? Either way, he was intriguing with just himself and a guitar and fit right in with the following acts.  It was a shame, though, there were only about 10 people present for his modest set.

Next on stage was my absolute favorite set and one of my very favorite bands.  Neva Dinova played quite a few songs; many of their old ones and, I think, quite a few of their new ones (I still need to get my hands on "You May Already be Dreaming" - laaaaame, I know).  

Half-way through their set Jake Bellows asked the audience if his voice sounded muffled and booming.  No?  He questioned.  "It must be from sucking on all those dicks."  And this, my friends, is where my obsession begins.  

The band included "Dances Fantastic" in their set list.  I could have gone home happy after hearing this song live last night; the music was so full and powerful and the band was so into what they were playing.  They ended their set with "Clouds" off of the new album - then went outside for a smoke.

Finally, it was McCarthy Trenching's turn to play.  Most of McCarthy's songs accompanied the men from Neva Dinova as well as a young man I was introduced to last night by the name of Ben.  He was incredibly talented on both the drums and the piano.  I am also told that he writes his own music and can sing; he has played with Pete Yorn, Orenda Fink and is on McCarthy's new album.  

I don't listen to McCarthy Trenching's music a great deal, but every time I have seen one of their shows I enjoy the music.  It is very chill and modest.  McCarthy has a pure voice and a talent for playing guitar as well as piano.  

He joked around a bit a told the audience how he was a "sissy" and chickened out of playing a few songs at a show in another town.  We got to hear the song.

After McCarthy was finished playing the music off of his new CD he took requests from the audience from his old stuff - at first no one requested a thing and he joked about getting off the stage then and there.  Luckily, he didn't and played on until about half past midnight.  

I couldn't have been more happy with the show.  It was everything I expected and more.  Plus, I ran into a friend from a composition class I had last semester and we caught up, I met his friends (including the talented Ben) and he bought me a Red Bull - yay for being a minor; the ONLY minor at the joint, might I add.

Looks like all the other minors were present at the Tegan and Sarah show at Sokol last night.  Let me make it clear that I am not sorry for choosing the show I did.

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